
Masmédiá sú tá časť/skupina médií, ktoré sú špecificky navrhnuté tak, aby zasiahli veľmi veľké obecenstvo (typicky aspoň také veľké ako celé obyvateľstvo štátu). Je to široko rozšírený sprostredkovateľ informácií všetkého druhu ako tlač, rozhlas, televízia a pod. 


Sprievodný text úlohy:

Task: Create a report from the place of residence. Find and choose an interesting topic. Write a bullet point scenario, address at least one respondent, record video and audio material in the environment so that a report can be made from them.

Termín na vypracovanie: bude stanovený


Názov odboru / kvalifikácia


8637 M 01 IMAGE AND SOUND CREATION – camera, sound, editing

8637 M 03 IMAGE AND SOUND CREATION – virtual graphics

8635 M mass media production

Úroveň EQF

3, 4, 5

Názov jednotky výsledkov vzdelávania / učenia JVV/JVU

JVV/JVU = ucelená časť kvalifikácie, skladá sa zo sady vzdelávacích výstupov, samostatne „nadobud-nuteľná“ a samostatne hodnotiteľná


Task: Create a report from the place of residence. Find and choose an interesting topic. Write a bullet point scenario, address at least one respondent, record video and audio material in the environment so that a report can be made from them.

Goal: To create an interesting report from the place of residence, while at least one respondent must be addressed, write a comment on the report and record video and audio material representing the environment. To verify the ability to create a report and knowledge and use of audiovisual technology.

Implementation schedule:

  1. Assignment of the exercise - clarification of the intention
  2. Tour of the selected location
  3. Preparation - point scenario
  4. Realization - filming, post-production: editing, sound mixing, graphics, writing and recording commentary.
  5. Computer processing – wav/mp3 44.1kHz/48kHz, 24bit
  6. Upload on USB key / via server - evaluation

Očakávaná dĺžka:

  • 60 hours (10 days) - theoretical preparation, practice and verification of acquired knowledge, skills and competences

Explanations: The proposed number of hours and days is only indicative. The host school can adapt the timetable to the current needs of the students and the possibilities of the school.

Očakávané výsledky/výstupy učenia/vzdelávania v členení:


Žiak vie:
  • basic principles of working with camera and sound
  • properties of used audiovisual equipment 
  • settings of recording devices
  • characteristic properties of recording devices
  • evaluate in which environment filming is appropriate
  • features of the image and sound editor for subsequent post-production


Žiak vie:
  • search for the optimal place for high-quality sound image recording
  • use audiovisual equipment for high-quality image and sound recording
  • set the camera
  • work with a microphone
  • work in a program for image and sound editing
  • search for the respondent - approach him and record an interview with him

Kompetencie/miera samostatnosti, zodpovednosti a sociálne kompetencie

Žiak sa vyznačuje:
  • digital literacy ( after numeracy ) V
  • flexibility in thinking (adaptability, flexibility, improvisational abilities ) V
  • creativity (creativity) V
  • artistic talent, analyzing and solving problems P
  • information literacy P
  • manual dexterity P
  • organizing and planning the work of P
  • personality development P
  • decision making P
  • independence P
  • technical literacy P
  • teamwork P
  • physical fitness E
  • communication (dealing with people) E
  • cultured speech, ability to express E

Vysvetlivky: Úroveň ovládania:

  • E - elementárna
  • P - pokročilá
  • V - vysoká

Očakávané výsledky učenia/vzdelávania – vedomosti, zručnosti, kompetencie/miera samostatnosti, zodpovednosti a sociálne kompetencie:

Účastník mobility:
Overenie výsledkov jednotky učenia/vzdelávania:

Ukážka správne zvládnutého výsledku/výstupu jednotky učenia/vzdelávania:


Sprievodný text úlohy:

Task: Create reports from the location. The report is the basic genre of news. A report is current, factual, accurate, complete, reliable, timely and emotionally neutral information about an event or phenomenon, which brings at least one previously unknown fact (or known, but occurring in new contexts), while the given phenomenon happened or did not happen, will happen or won't happen. Find and choose an interesting topic. Record video and audio material in the environment in such a way that an interesting message can be constructed from it

Termín na vypracovanie: bude stanovený


Názov odboru / kvalifikácia


8637 M 01 IMAGE AND SOUND CREATION – camera, sound, editing

8637 M 02 IMAGE AND SOUND CREATION – virtual graphics

8635 M mass media production

Úroveň EQF

3, 4, 5

Názov jednotky výsledkov vzdelávania / učenia JVV/JVU

JVV/JVU = ucelená časť kvalifikácie, skladá sa zo sady vzdelávacích výstupov, samostatne „nadobud-nuteľná“ a samostatne hodnotiteľná


Task: Create reports from the location. The report is the basic genre of news. A report is current, factual, accurate, complete, reliable, timely and emotionally neutral information about an event or phenomenon, which brings at least one previously unknown fact (or known, but occurring in new contexts), while the given phenomenon happened or did not happen, will happen or won't happen. Find and choose an interesting topic. Record video and audio material in the environment in such a way that an interesting message can be constructed from it.

Goal: To create an interesting TV report from the place of residence about the professional practice of students in companies, to record video and audio material representing the environment. Verify the ability to create a TV report and knowledge of the use of audiovisual technology.

Implementation schedule:

  1. Assignment of the exercise - clarification of the intention
  2. Tour of the selected location
  3. Preparation
  4. Realization - filming, post-production: editing, sound mixing, graphics, writing and recording commentary.
  5. Computer processing – wav/mp3 44.1kHz/48kHz, 24bit
  6. Upload on USB key / via server - evaluation

Očakávaná dĺžka:

  • 60 hours (10 days) - theoretical preparation, practice and verification of acquired knowledge, skills and competences

Explanations: The proposed number of hours and days is only indicative. The host school can adapt the timetable to the current needs of the students and the possibilities of the school.

Očakávané výsledky/výstupy učenia/vzdelávania v členení:


Žiak vie:
  • basic principles of working with camera and sound
  • properties of used audiovisual equipment 
  • settings of recording devices
  • characteristic properties of recording devices
  • evaluate in which environment filming is appropriate
  • features of the image and sound editor for subsequent post-production


Žiak vie:
  • search for the optimal place for high-quality sound image recording
  • use audiovisual equipment for high-quality image and sound recording
  • set the camera
  • work with a microphone
  • work in a program for image and sound editing
  • search for the respondent - approach him and record an interview with him

Kompetencie/miera samostatnosti, zodpovednosti a sociálne kompetencie

Žiak sa vyznačuje:
  • digital literacy ( after numeracy ) V
  • flexibility in thinking (adaptability, flexibility, improvisational abilities ) V
  • creativity (creativity) V
  • artistic talent, analyzing and solving problems P
  • information literacy P
  • manual dexterity P
  • organizing and planning the work of P
  • personality development P
  • decision making P
  • independence P
  • technical literacy P
  • teamwork P
  • physical fitness E
  • communication (dealing with people) E
  • cultured speech, ability to express E

Vysvetlivky: Úroveň ovládania:

  • E - elementárna
  • P - pokročilá
  • V - vysoká

Očakávané výsledky učenia/vzdelávania – vedomosti, zručnosti, kompetencie/miera samostatnosti, zodpovednosti a sociálne kompetencie:

Účastník mobility:
  • writes a note and looks for the optimal place to record the message
  • will use the recording device for optimal recording of image and sound
  • sets the recording device according to the required parameters
  • works with camera and microphone
  • works in the Adobe Audition program or other programs for image and sound editing during post-production
Overenie výsledkov jednotky učenia/vzdelávania:

Prezentácia správ s ústnou obhajobou.

Ukážka správne zvládnutého výsledku/výstupu jednotky učenia/vzdelávania: