Herný dizajn

Herný dizajn je vzdelávanie a výchova multimediálnych tvorcov v prostredí počítačových hier s dosahom k príbehovej virtuálnej a rozšírenej realite. 


Sprievodný text úlohy:

Task: Unity Engine 3D-game design basics

Termín na vypracovanie: to be determined


Názov odboru / kvalifikácia

Media sector 3D modelling

Vocational Qualification in Media and Visual Expression



Explanatory notes: https://eperusteet.opintopolku.fi/#/en/ammatillinen/3507160/tutkinnonosat/3559420

Úroveň EQF

3 354 4

Názov jednotky výsledkov vzdelávania / učenia JVV/JVU

JVV/JVU = ucelená časť kvalifikácie, skladá sa zo sady vzdelávacích výstupov, samostatne „nadobud-nuteľná“ a samostatne hodnotiteľná

Unity Engine / Basic creation & actions

Task: Unity Engine 3D-game design basics

Objective: Create a rolling ball using unity engines basic functionality


Task Completion Schedule:

  1. Task assignment – clarification of intent
  2. Basics of the use of Unity game engine, project creation/object placement / physics-based action and functionality.
  3. Creating basic actions in unity engine
  4. Evaluation of use: PC based computing software and hardware use
  5. Submitting work on for individual or group assessment

Očakávaná dĺžka:

  • 14h-21h (2-3 days) – theoretical instruction, practical training and verification of the knowledge, skills and competences learned.


Explanatory notes: The proposed number of hours and days is only indicative as the host school may adapt the schedule to the actual student needs and school resources.

Očakávané výsledky/výstupy učenia/vzdelávania v členení:


Žiak vie:
  • Students use the basic functions and techniques of Unity Game engine.
  • Students describe the different stages of game design processes and know the basic operation of the equipment required
  • Students work in a solution-oriented approach and consider the effects of their work on production costs.
  • Students document key stages of their work and justify their solutions.
  • Students work responsibly, initiatively and develop and maintain their vocational competence.


Žiak vie:
  • describe the different stages of software use and steps of the production and understand how this production process progresses.
  • use the hardware/software applications in game production to the extent required by their tasks.
  • Students work in a solution-oriented approach and consider the effects of their work on
  • Document key stages of their work and justify their solutions.


Kompetencie/miera samostatnosti, zodpovednosti a sociálne kompetencie

Žiak sa vyznačuje:

Level of competence / Criteria

  • Satisfactory 1
  • Satisfactory 2
  • Good 3
  • Good 4
  • Excellent 5


Vocational Qualification in Media and Visual Expression - eRequirements (opintopolku.fi)

Vysvetlivky: Úroveň ovládania:

  • E - elementárna
  • P - pokročilá
  • V - vysoká

Očakávané výsledky učenia/vzdelávania – vedomosti, zručnosti, kompetencie/miera samostatnosti, zodpovednosti a sociálne kompetencie:

Účastník mobility:
  • design simple and usable projects and game functionalities/actions in Unity game engine
  • Basic game creations/use of  basic tools and actions in engine.
  • follow the basics of a software application suitable for a digital creative game design.
  • understanding and basic use of unity game engine
Overenie výsledkov jednotky učenia/vzdelávania:

Presentation of the video included with the oral defence statement.

Ukážka správne zvládnutého výsledku/výstupu jednotky učenia/vzdelávania:

  • Unity basics provided from the Game engine developer.
  • Applicable in P2P student teaching and teacher training.
  • Comparability to student work.
  • Step by step tutorial for student evaluation 1.1 to 8.2.

Link below:




Sprievodný text úlohy:

Task: Proper use of lighting a scene (3d-object) in Blender

Termín na vypracovanie: to be determined


Názov odboru / kvalifikácia

Media sector 3D modelling

Vocational Qualification in Media and Visual Expression



Explanatory notes: https://eperusteet.opintopolku.fi/#/en/ammatillinen/3507160/tutkinnonosat/3559420

Úroveň EQF

3 354 4

Názov jednotky výsledkov vzdelávania / učenia JVV/JVU

JVV/JVU = ucelená časť kvalifikácie, skladá sa zo sady vzdelávacích výstupov, samostatne „nadobud-nuteľná“ a samostatne hodnotiteľná

Blender basic sculpting: Lighting a model in a scene

Task: Proper use of lighting a scene (3d-object) in Blender

Objective: Create a texture for sculpted object


Task Completion Schedule:

  1. Task assignment – clarification of intent
  2. Basics of the use of 3D-sculpt software.
  3. Creating basic Light scene in blender
  4. Evaluation of use: PC based computing software and hardware use
  5. Submitting work on for individual or group assessment

Očakávaná dĺžka:

  • 14h-21h (2-3 days) – theoretical instruction, practical training and verification of the knowledge, skills and competences learned.


Explanatory notes: The proposed number of hours and days is only indicative as the host school may adapt the schedule to the actual student needs and school resources.

Očakávané výsledky/výstupy učenia/vzdelávania v členení:


Žiak vie:
  • Students use the basic functions and techniques of Blender 3D-software.
  • Students describe the different stages of sculpt desing and knows the basic operation of the equipment required
  • Students work in a solution-oriented approach and consider the effects of their work on production costs.
  • Students document key stages of their work and justify their solutions.
  • Students work responsibly, initiatively and develop and maintain their vocational competence.


Žiak vie:
  • describe the different stages of software use and steps of the production and understand how this production process progresses.
  • use the hardware/software applications in game production to the extent required by their tasks.
  • Students work in a solution-oriented approach and consider the effects of their work on
  • Document key stages of their work and justify their solutions.

Kompetencie/miera samostatnosti, zodpovednosti a sociálne kompetencie

Žiak sa vyznačuje:

Level of competence / Criteria

  • Satisfactory 1
  • Satisfactory 2
  • Good 3
  • Good 4
  • Excellent 5


Vocational Qualification in Media and Visual Expression - eRequirements (opintopolku.fi)

Vysvetlivky: Úroveň ovládania:

  • E - elementárna
  • P - pokročilá
  • V - vysoká

Očakávané výsledky učenia/vzdelávania – vedomosti, zručnosti, kompetencie/miera samostatnosti, zodpovednosti a sociálne kompetencie:

Účastník mobility:
  • design simple and usable action in Blender 3d-software
  • use the basic tools and actions in engine.
  • follow the basics of a software application suitable for a digital creative game design.
  • understanding and basic use of Blender 3d-software
Overenie výsledkov jednotky učenia/vzdelávania:

Material included with the oral defence statement.

Ukážka správne zvládnutého výsledku/výstupu jednotky učenia/vzdelávania:

  • Blender basics sculpting step by step
  • Applicable in PtoP teaching and teacher training.
  • Comparability to student work.
  • Step by step tutorial for student evaluation

Link to materials below:





Sprievodný text úlohy:

Task: create a simple sculpt and add texture for the sculpted model

Termín na vypracovanie: to be determined


Názov odboru / kvalifikácia

Media sector 3D modelling

Vocational Qualification in Media and Visual Expression



Explanatory notes: https://eperusteet.opintopolku.fi/#/en/ammatillinen/3507160/tutkinnonosat/3559420

Úroveň EQF

3 354 4

Názov jednotky výsledkov vzdelávania / učenia JVV/JVU

JVV/JVU = ucelená časť kvalifikácie, skladá sa zo sady vzdelávacích výstupov, samostatne „nadobud-nuteľná“ a samostatne hodnotiteľná

Blender basic sculpting: sculpting & texturing

Task: create a simple sculpt and add texture for the sculpted model

Objective: Create a texture for sculpted object


Task Completion Schedule:

  1. Task assignment – clarification of intent
  2. Basics of the use of 3D-sculpt software.
  3. Creating basic forms and learning the basic sculpting tools
  4. Evaluation of use: PC based computing software and hardware use
  5. Submitting work on for individual or group assessment

Očakávaná dĺžka:

  • 14h-21h (2-3 days) – theoretical instruction, practical training and verification of the knowledge, skills and competences learned.


Explanatory notes: The proposed number of hours and days is only indicative as the host school may adapt the schedule to the actual student needs and school resources.

Očakávané výsledky/výstupy učenia/vzdelávania v členení:


Žiak vie:
  • Students use the basic functions and techniques of Blender 3D-software.
  • Students describe the different stages of sculpt desing and knows the basic operation of the equipment required
  • Students work in a solution-oriented approach and consider the effects of their work on production costs.
  • Students document key stages of their work and justify their solutions.
  • Students work responsibly, initiatively and develop and maintain their vocational competence.


Žiak vie:
  • describe the different stages of software use and steps of the production and understand how this production process progresses.
  • use the hardware/software applications in game production to the extent required by their tasks.
  • Students work in a solution-oriented approach and consider the effects of their work on
  • Document key stages of their work and justify their solutions.

Kompetencie/miera samostatnosti, zodpovednosti a sociálne kompetencie

Žiak sa vyznačuje:

Level of competence / Criteria

  • Satisfactory 1
  • Satisfactory 2
  • Good 3
  • Good 4
  • Excellent 5


Vocational Qualification in Media and Visual Expression - eRequirements (opintopolku.fi)

Vysvetlivky: Úroveň ovládania:

  • E - elementárna
  • P - pokročilá
  • V - vysoká

Očakávané výsledky učenia/vzdelávania – vedomosti, zručnosti, kompetencie/miera samostatnosti, zodpovednosti a sociálne kompetencie:

Účastník mobility:
  • design simple and usable action in Blender 3D-software
  • use the basic tools and actions in engine.
  • follow the basics of a software application suitable for a digital creative game design.
  • understanding and basic use of Blender 3d-software
Overenie výsledkov jednotky učenia/vzdelávania:

Material included with the oral defence statement.

Ukážka správne zvládnutého výsledku/výstupu jednotky učenia/vzdelávania:

  • Blender basics sculpting step by step
  • Applicable in PtoP teaching and teacher training.
  • Comparability to student work.
  • Step by step tutorial for student evaluation

Link to materials below:
